Full-service aircraft completion center
Building on its extensive experience in aerospace engineering business, NTS evolution completes its competitive offer to provide completion services from Morocco with proximity to Europe. Our hangar in Benslimane Airport, located at half path between Casablanca and Rabat, can accommodate private, VIP business jets, and narrow -body aircraft.
NTS Technics Completion Centre
NTS Technics Hangar
Ben Slimane Airport
Tel: + 212 661938366
Dedicated MRO Facility, with unprecedented access to Europe, Middle East and African continent. Aircraft facility offering VIP and corporate business aviation services. We are able to provide multiple completion and refurbishment requests and deliver on time.
Due to NTS Technics strategic location, we are able to serve clients from Europe, Middle East and the rest of the African continent.
Trusted and Reliable Completions Partner with expertise enabling us to exceed client’s expectations with on time and quality delivery.